Pool Party

It was great the time
the McDonalds' swimming
pool burst  it was like
an atom bomb going off
in someone's back yard
yet no one was injured.
Pool party: the hot
young suburban couple
and their laughing
friends all crowded
into this big white
elephant of a blue
above ground plastic
pool with their three
young sons, Manny,
Moe, and Jack some-
where in the back-
ground.  We were
eating dinner, I
think, when we heard
the explosion my
mother jumped thinking
"gas" and "fire" but
instead of smoke
only water poured
forth from the McDonalds'
yard gushing between
the fence slats like
Noah's flood.  I had
never seen so much
water short of a
river or ocean.  There
was something delight-
ful about the way it
overwhelmed the
grass.  I don't even think
the McDonalds were mad
about it, their defective
status symbol had done
what few other material
objects could:
it roared.
