Grand Tour

The Hoyt Corporation
built a huge multiplex
near here, that
went out of
business soon after
it opened.

I'd like to tour
it: wander down
the main concourse
and pop my
head in each
single theater
and stare at
where each screen
would have been,
should have been.

I'd like to observe
the spaces for the
audience, too, those
popcorn munching
multitudes, those
laughing, sobbing
hordes who now
get their
fair share of

There's a ghostly
silence in
Hoyt's Multiplex
now. Maybe a
few mice, a
few rats, some

Nothing really,
to disturb the
eerie dream-
world without
lights, camera,


"Grand Tour" will appear in issue #13 of Rio: An Online Journal published by SUNY at Stonybrook.
