Drag Queen From Paulsboro
You can't be a drag queen from
Paulsboro it's just not done
Paulsboro, even by South Jersey
standards, is a colorless town
it has none of the bustling
commerce of a thriving metropolis
it has none of the antique
flavor of Mullica Hill nor
the governmental presence of
Woodbury. When I think of
Paulsboro I think of boarded
up luncheonettes decapitated
factories generations of welfare
kids. I think of refineries
you get cancer from houses not
antique but just old falling
into delapidation wheezing
into their graves like old men.
Not Cher prancing down the Boulevard
in her body stocking. Not Cher prancing
down the boulevard, her curling mane
of hair blowing in the wind. Not
Cher the object of everybody's sur-
prised stare and delight. Flashbulbs
were popping on the Boulevard when
Cher danced by. Who would have
thought it? Cher carrying a sign
proclaiming her home town of Pauls-
boro, little Paulsboro, drecky
Paulsboro. Maybe Paulsboro isn't
so bad if it can produce something
like that.